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mirrOracle | Plan See
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Symphony of Om

I am an open window with Life pouring through.
A peculiar vantage point with a splendid view…
I am an echo of the big bang,
a frequency in the symphony of Om,
I am a wave of consciousness
growing strong as emotion,
kissing the shore
with sweet flowering devotion.
rich with pattern,
arching toward home.
Spirit blended with matter

I am a question mark on Life’s wall
~ Who Am I here and now? ~
particles of a particular artform
from a father and a mother,
an offering on the Universal menu,
I’m a flavor like no other…

I am So Alive and shimmering,
the elemental crackle comes bursting
through the wiring
and the wirelessness.
Creature of sinew, blood and bone,
with sacred space between every cell.
I am more empty than full!
I am Goddessence,
I am void exposing itself to light,
I am a photograph in black and white.
I am the photon belt
as Earth herself has entered me.
I am the Galactic Center,
whirling through space past nurseries
of fresh new galaxies
born and scattered.

I am no one, I am everyone. I am you.
I laugh inside this mirror’s view.
Singing ~ songs of praise abound!
We’re all driving down some road
inside the vehicle of our humanness
this time around.

Plan A
Plan B